rid, key, def |codec|,|codec|,|

Short for compressor/decompressor. Codecs are various types of computer algorithms that are applied to audio, video, and image files to compress the size of the files. The benefit of this is the files do not use as much disk space when stored or bandwidth when streamed.

| |port|,|serial port|,|

A computer port that allows asynchronous transmission of data characters one bit at a time. Also called a communication or COM port. | |modem|,|modem|,|

Short for modulator/demodulator, a device that allows computer information to be transmitted and received over a telephone line. The transmitting modem translates digital computer data into analog signals that can be carried over a phone line. The receiving modem translates the analog signals back to digital form. | |TAPI|,|TAPI (Telephony API)|,|

An application programming interface (API) used by communications programs to work with telephony and network services. Communications programs use TAPI to dial, answer, and route telephone calls on conventional telephony devices, including PBXs, modems, and fax machines. Telephony application programming interface (API) is also called TAPI. | |ISDN|,|ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)|,|

A digital phone line used to provide higher bandwidth. ISDN in North America is typically available in two forms: Basic Rate Interface (BRI) consists of 2 B-channels at 64 kilobits per second (Kbps) and a D-channel at 16 Kbps; Primary Rate Interface (PRI) consists of 23 B-channels at 64 Kbps and a D-channel at 64 Kbps. An ISDN line must be installed by the phone company at both the calling site and the called site. Integrated Services Digital Network is also called ISDN. | |commsettings|,|communication settings|,|

Operating parameters, such as bits per second (bps) and modem type, that apply to serial ports on a computer.

See also bps; modem. | |bps|,|bits per second (bps)|,|

The number of bits transmitted every second, used as a measure of the speed at which a device, such as a modem, can transfer data. A character is made up of 8 bits. In asynchronous communication, each character may be preceded by a start bit and may terminate with a stop bit. So for each character, 10 bits are transmitted. For example, if a modem communicates at 2,400 bits per second (bps), then 240 characters are sent every second. | |fullduplex|,|full-duplex|,|

A system capable of simultaneously transmitting information in both directions over a communications channel.

See also duplex; half-duplex. | |duplex|,|duplex|,|

A system capable of transmitting information in both directions over a communications channel. See also full-duplex; half-duplex. | |halfduplex|,|half-duplex|,|

A system capable of transmitting information in only one direction at a time over a communications channel. See also duplex; full-duplex. | |menu|,|Menu|,|

Advanced Call Center menu. Contains basic commands.

| |legal|,|Legal Disclaimer check button|,|

If checked, Advanced Call Center will play back a legal disclaimer to the phone line before starting recording. Handy for business use.

| |record|,|Record button|,|

Press this button to pick up telephone line and start recording.

| |stop|,|Stop|,|

Stops recording and hangs up.

| |agc|,|Automatic Gain Control (AGC)|,|

Automatically adjusts volume of conversation amplifying weak signals and making loud ones more quiet.

| |mute|,|Mute check button|,|

Temporarily mutes recording. The recording continues, but while the button is pressed silence will be recorded.

| |memobtn|,|Memo|,|

Toggles between compact and full size windows. When unpressed, only main controls are displayed. When checked, all controls, including call list and memo field, are shown.

| |oscope|,|Oscilloscope|,|

Displays graphical representation of sound being recorded.

| |volume|,|Volume control|,|

Adjusts recording and playback volume. Not available if Automatic Gain Control is enabled.

| |name|,|Caller's name|,|

Contains caller's name. You can edit this field. Press ENTER to apply changes. If there is a Caller ID service installed, this field will be filled automatically.

| |number|,|Caller's phone number|,|

Contains caller's telephone number. You can edit this field. Press ENTER to apply changes. If there is a Caller ID service installed, this field will be filled automatically.

| |memo|,|Memo|,|

Stores your additional comments or memo for recorded call. You can edit this field. Press ENTER to apply changes.

| |update|,|Update|,|

Updates call information and stores it in a database for later access.

| |sendto|,|Send e-mail message|,|

Sends a call (including recorded conversation, telephone number, caller name, and a memo) by e-mail. A call is sent as WAV file attachment that can be played back on any computer even without Advanced C installed.

| |delete|,|Delete|,|

Deletes selected message.

| |player|,|Player control|,|

Allows replaying recorded messages to your computer's speakers.

| |list|,|Call list|,|

Lists all messages recorded. Allows sorting by date, telephone number, caller name, or memo.

| |status|,|Status bar|,|

Displays current status (playing legal disclaimer, currently recording, ready, etc.)

| |time|,|Recording time|,|

Displays length of current recording.

| |play|,|Play|,|

Plays the entire message to the telephone line.

| |hold|,|Hold|,|

Plays music to the phone line.

| |holdonhold|,|Hold On-Hold™|,|

Invokes the Hold On-Hold™ sequence:

  1. You have placed a call and were put on-hold.
  2. Now you activate Hold On-Hold™, put off receiver and return to your business.
  3. When an operator takes the call, he or she will hear an invitation to press a key to reconnect to you: "Please press one to speak to ..."
  4. After the operator presses the key, Hold On-Hold™ alerts you immediately that the other party is available to talk right now, and asks you to pick up the phone.

| |conf_tree|,|Property Pages|,|Click any item to display the correspongind property page.| |conf_startup|,|Run at system startup|,|If checked, the Advanced C will load when the computer boots.| |conf_path|,|Path to store messages|,|Selects a folder under which the recorded messages will be stored. Note: the Advanced C will create a sub-bolder named Recorded Calls in that folder.| |conf_autorec|,|Automatic conversation recording|,|Will start recording automatically when: